Tuesday, October 20, 2009

So many actors, yet no real Actors involved

Well, as it turns out, actors aren't just drama nerds who act for money. Turns out that when looking at the media, actors refer to all the processes, corporations and people involved in the production of a text, each there for a specific purpose.
I then compiled a list of all the actors involved in my chosen text, Kingdom Hearts II. Enjoy, and I hope your head doesn't explode.

Kingdom Hearts II

Media Actors

Director/Producer – Head of Project, Overseer and visionary for project. Has final say on finished product.

Writers – Write up script for game, prepare roles for voice actors, overseen my producer/director.

Designers/Artists/Modelers – Responsible for all the characters, landscapes, objects, interface in game. Creates the visions dreamed up by director.

Music – Composed, played and recorded by a team overseen by the director to fit the scenery created by designers and events within the script.

Programmers/Animators- Bring life to the characters and events within the game and create the interface that the audience will interact with to play the game.

Voice Actors - The people who bring the characters in the game to life with real voices, as if they were real people able to reach out to the audience. They are selected by the director and read off the script provided to them by the writers.

Distribution/Merchandising- Responsible for the release of the game and all promotional material, clothing, action figures, etc. to be released along with the game.

Quality Assurance (Beta Testers)- Iron out all the kinks within the gameplay and determine whether it is suitable/fun/good for the audience.

Audience - The ones who purchase the game and the other merchandise that is brought out along with the game. They are the main market that the Director/Creator was trying to reach when they decided to create the game. If it is not well received by the audience, then there will be no profit for the companies involved.

Classification – Declares the game playable by the public and creates limitations on what age group it is suitable for and who is able to purchase the game.

So many people, yet without all of them, the game would not exist.


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