Today's thought is on internet memes,
Well, you either love her or hate her with a passion. That's right, I'm talking about Boxxy. To be honest, I had never even heard of Boxxy until 4 days ago, when I was browsing the interwebz and came across a .gif of a girl's facial expressions. After some digging and research, I found out that her name is Boxxy, and that she became an instantly famous and widely hated internet meme. Her videos and images were quickly posted all over the world's biggest and most feared forum, 4chan.
That's right, I delved into the depths of /b/ to find out about Boxxy. Now to explain /b/ to you, if you have never heard of it. It's the biggest and most feared forum on the internet where anything goes, you name it, it's there. It's also the place where most internet fads start. Rickroll, LolCatz, Demotivators, they all started on 4chan's /b/.
It's crazy how a video of a baby laughing, or a duck with spinning wheels (duckroll) or fake links that take you to a rick astley video (rickroll) can become famous. It all happens on /b/. People post these images, videos and then other users post replies and responses, helping them gain momentum on the internetz. They can also get famous via 'trollz' where people post meaningless replies to bump them to the top of the forum. That's what happened to Boxxy. At one point, the whole first page of /b/ was full of Boxxy threads. Everyone started to hate her and 4chan had to come up with a way to get rid of her. They attempted to hack and search everywhere for her real name, identity, address and other details, but no trace of her existing was found. She had dropped off the internet radar for now. 3 months later, she made a video replying to all the rumours that had started during that time. She had been watching silently. They had to crash 4chan to remove all traces of boxxy.
Her videos are of a completely different matter, all they are is her talking to a specific person to whom she made the video, but she is completely hyperactive and talks crazily, making for an entertaining video. She's awesome.
But what about other internet memes and fads. What of the starwars kid, whose lightsabre video made us all laugh, yet he committed suicide after the video got famous. The kid from Chocolate Rain video? Who knows where he is. Noone's seen or heard from him since that video. Can an internet meme have the same expiry date as a real actor/ess or comedian? Do they have shorter expiry dates because you can't paparazzi them in the flesh? They don't release their private worlds so we can't stalk them either.
What of internet memes? What's your favourite or least favourite meme?
Are you a hater or fellow fan of Boxxy?